5 Chords used in the song: Am, C, G, F, Dm
Transpose chords:
Intro: Am C Am C Am G F C Dm G C
I'll think of you as I go
Am C
So when I leave, you're not alone
Am G F
And no matter where we are, we will never be that far
Dm G C
'Cause I will think of you as I go
I'll think of you as I dream
Am C
So when it's dark, you'll be with me
Am G F
And no matter where we are, we can look up to the stars
Dm G C
And I will think of you as I dream
Am C
Oh, it's a long and winding road
Am C
But you don't have to walk alone.
Am G F C
'Cause no matter where we are, I will keep you in my heart
Dm G C
And I will think of you as I go.
I'll think of you when I'm down
Am C
When my heart is on the ground
Am G F
And I will never lose my way even if the skies are grey
Dm G C
'Cause I will think of you when I'm down
Am C
Oh, it's a long and winding road
Am C
But you don't have to walk alone.
Am G F C
'Cause no matter where we are, I will keep you in my heart
Dm G C
And I will think of you as I go.
Am C
Oh, it's a long and winding road
Am C
But you don't have to walk alone.
Am G F C
'Cause no matter where we are, I will keep you in my heart
Dm G C
And I will think of you as I go.
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About this song: I'll Think Of You (epic Patty Cake Song)
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