5 Chords used in the song: F, C, Bb, Dm, Gm
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For Philip
The future doesn't shout
Bb F
But it sneaks up soft and quiet
Dm C
You borrow a pen from a cute boy and
Bb C
There goes your life
You always make me laugh
Bb F
You even like my crooked ears
Dm C
So how about we keep choosing us
Bb F
For the next hundred years
Bb F C Dm
If I could see the sky and sea, but no colors in between
Bb F Gm C
Would I know there was a blue that I had never seen
Bb F C Dm
I thought I knew happy, and then I knew you
Gm Bb F
You're my missing shade of blue
You won't read Harry Potter
Bb F
But you're my favorite guy to snuggle
Dm C
So I guess I'll keep loving you
Bb C
Even though you're such a muggle
Being your best friend
Bb F
Makes my whole life so much better
Dm C
And I still can't wait
Bb F
To love you forever
Bb F C Dm
If I could see the sky and sea, but no colors in between
Bb F Gm C
Would I know there was a blue that I had never seen
Bb F C Dm
I thought I knew happy, and then I knew you
Gm Bb F
You're my missing shade of blue
I know you never remember
Bb F
The words to any songs
Dm C
So I'll just keep singing this to you
Bb C
Your whole life long
Every day I love you
Bb F
When you're gone I miss you
Dm C
And no matter where or when
Bb C
I always want to kiss you
Bb F C Dm
If I could see the sky and sea, but no colors in between
Bb F Gm C
Would I know there was a blue that I had never seen
Bb F C Dm
I thought I knew happy, and then I knew you
Gm Bb F
You're my missing shade of blue
Gm Bb F
You're my missing shade of blue
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About this song: For Philip
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