4 Chords used in the song: Cm, Ab, Eb, F
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View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
The beauty of my better half
I see it clearly looking back
Ab Eb
You could never be mine
Ab Eb
No you'll never be mine, love
We fight the fights that leave us soft
And feel the sharpness of the rocks
Ab Eb
You could never be mine
Ab Eb
No you'll never be mine, love
Ab F
And when the pressure bears its weight
Ab Eb
You let me rest my weary bones
Ab F
And when the emptiness won't take
Ab Eb
You let me rest with you alone
F Ab Eb
And if we fall, then we fall
Sometimes I know just how I feel
Sometimes I know I have no idea
Ab Eb
You could never be mine
Ab Eb
No you'll never be mine, love
If in the slight forgotten bend
The well of ink's run out by then
Ab Eb
Oh well, never you mind,
Ab Eb
because we're coming on high tide
Ab F
And when the pressure bears its weight
Ab Eb
You let me rest my weary bones
Ab F
And when the emptiness won't take
Ab Eb
You let me rest with you alone
F Ab Eb
And if we fall, then we fall
All our lives, all our lives
Ab Eb
You could never be mine
Ab Eb
No you'll never be mine, love
Ab F
And when the pressure bears its weight
Ab Eb
You let me rest my weary bones
Ab F
And when the emptiness won't take
Ab Eb
You let me rest with you alone
F Ab Eb
And if we fall, then we fall
F Ab Eb
And if we fall, then we fall
F Ab Eb
And if we fall, then we fall
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About this song: Song In Cm
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