8 Chords used in the song: C, Dm7, G7, F, C7, Cmaj7, D7, Fm
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
C Dm7 G7 F
Fly on through the night wind, take a star to her for me.
C Dm7 G7 C C7
Please, whisper I love her, tell her wait for me.
C Dm7 G7 F
Here it seems so cold now, how I miss her arms around me.
C Dm7 G7 C
Soar, nightbird of love, make her wait for me.
C F Cmaj7 F
Cause you have wings you know, I'll let you go, almost every
C C7 F Cmaj7 D7
night. But loneliness can dull the shine of even the bright
G7 F C C C7 F Fm G7
moonlight. Nightbird fly, fly on. Nightbird, sing her my
C Dm7 G7 F C
Oh, before you leave, take this band of gold with you. And
Dm7 G7 C
if you can find her, tell her I am true.
F Fm C C7 F Fm C
End: Nightbird fly, fly on. Nightbird fly fly on.
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About this song: Night Bird
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