8 Chords used in the song: C, G7, C7, F, D7, G, E7, Am

View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
(C) Doe - a deer, a female deer,
(G7) Ray - a drop of golden sun.
(C) Me - a name I call myself,
(G7) Far - a long, long way to run.
(C) Sew - a (
C7) needle pulling (
F) thread.
(D7) La - a note to follow (
G) sew.
(E7) Tea - a drink with jam and (
Am) bread.(
That will (F) bring us (
G7) back to (
C) doe, oh, oh, oh.
(C) Doe! -
A deer, a female deer,
(G7) Ray! -
A drop of golden sun.
(C) Me! -
A name I call myself,
(G7) Far! -
A long, long way to run.
(C) Sew - a (
C7) needle pulling (
F) thread.
(D7) La - a note to follow (
G) sew.
(E7) Tea - a drink with jam and (
Am) bread. (
That will (F) bring us (
G7) back to (
C) doe.
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