9 Chords used in the song: G, Em, C, D, Am, D/F#, Cmaj7, Em7, A/G
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Transpose chords:
G Em C D Em
G Em C D Em
One song glory. One song before I go. Glory one song to leave behind.
C D Em C D
Find one song, one last refrain. Glory from the pretty boy front man
Em G Em
who wasted opportunity. One song, he had the world at his feet.
Em C D Em
Glory in the eyes of a young girl, a young girl.
G Em
Find glory beyond the cheap colored lights, one song before the sun sets
C D Em C D Em G
Glory on another empty life. Time Flies, time dies.
Am C G Am C G Am C G
Glory--------------- one blaze of glory. One blaze of glory.
D/F# Em Cmaj7
G Em
Find glory in a song that rings true,
Em C D Em
truth like a blazing fire. An eternal flame.
G Em C D
Find one song, a song about love. Glory from the soul of a young man,
a young man.
C D Em
Find the one song before the virus takes hold, glory like a sunset.
C D Em7 Am
One song to redeem this empty life.
Am C G Am
Time flies, and then no need to endure anymore.
Time dies.
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