Lights Please Uke tab by Jcole

3 Chords used in the song: Dm, C, Bb

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Tablature / Chords (Simplified Song)

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Album:  unknown
Key: F, DmChords
Intro: Dm Dm C C Bb Bb C C

(Basically repeated progression for entire song)

Dm Dm
I had this little bad thing somethin like them 10s
She gave a nigga mad brains somethin like the wiz
Bb Bb
But you see that sad thing fuckin wit her is
Is the chick ain't even have brains dummy like a bitch so i tried to show her...

(And so on)

Dm Dm
Lights please lights please turn off the lights
For now everything just seems so right
Bb Bb
And how you make the darkness seem so bright
I'm feelin like things gonna be alright....

Uke tab by , 25 Sep 2014

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About this song: Lights Please

The Lights Please Songfacts reports that this was the song that earned Cole a recording contract with Jay-Z's Roc Nation label.

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