7 Chords used in the song: G, Em, Bm7, D, D7, Dsus4, Am7
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Transpose chords:
G Em
Tick-tock, I'm watching the clock
Bm7 D
I can't wait 'til we get to rock
G Em Bm7
I wanna scream and dream and throw a love
Is that okay?
G Em
Tonight it's me and you alone
Bm7 D
Won't make a call, won't even write a song
G Em
See I've been waiting and waiting for the
time to say
Now listen baby
G Em
When you're down, and it's hard
Bm7 D
And you feel like you've given your all
G Em Bm7 D7
Baby I know we'll always keep it real and
G Em
Cause baby it's a primetime for our love
Bm7 Dsus
Ain't nobody peekin' but the stars above
G Em
It's a primetime for our love
Bm7 D7
And heaven is bettin' on us
G Em
Bang bang, I'm calling your name
Bm7 D
You're like a fire the world can't tame
G Em Bm7
I wanna riot 'til the stars come out and
Is that okay? (Okay)
G Em
Tonight it's me and you alone
Bm7 D
Won't take a call, won't even write a song
G Em Bm7
This'll be a personal kind of day
Listen baby
G Em
When you're down, and it's hard
Bm7 D
And you feel like you've given your all
G Em Bm7
Baby my love is always right here for you
Breakdown Chords
D7 G
D7 G
D7 G
Am7 D
(CHORUS) (Repeat To Fade)
G Em
Cause baby it's a primetime for our love
Bm7 Dsus
Ain't nobody peekin' but the stars above
G Em
It's a primetime for our love
Bm7 D7
And heaven is bettin' on us
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About this song: Primetime
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