4 Chords used in the song: E, F#m, A, B
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Transpose chords:
E F#m
Who's to say? He's not the gifted one well I forgot he's not the teachers son
E F#m
no, he's just a reason for her to say that she needs a substance in her today
E F#m
Well who's to say? He's not gonna see the sun well I forgot he's not the gifted one
E F#m
no he's just a another version of his dad he'll learn to love things that he never
E F#m A B
All he ever does is walk alone
E F#m A B
Man he can only walk so far before
E F#m A B
All he ever does is look inside
E F#m A B
he don't need nowhere to hide
E F#m E F#m E F#m E F#m
E F#m
I know she's all that he ever loved at seventeen too bad to her he was a
E F#m
passing thing, only temporary til she finds someone with everything cause
E F#m
she's what we might call a sugar queen see her whole scene consists of diamond rings
but that's ok probably better anyway cuz
now that he's free, well she might finally see that
E F#m A B
All he ever does is walk alone
E F#m A B
Man he can only walk so far before
E F#m A B
All he ever does is look inside
E F#m A B
he dont need nowhere to hide
E F#m E F#m E F#m E F#m
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About this song: Walk Alone
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