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We saw each other in this room we sit right now
Some of us were new, some of us in a frown
Then in the end we got along
And felt like that we really belong
It wasn't easy to adjust to the system
But we did everything to past the boredom
We all had our own families
And discovered each other's capabilities
We enter a whole new chapter
This feels like forever
We were once strangers to each other
Familiar, afterwards
Ones shoulder to lean on
When times get rough
We participated in many events that brought us together
Like Buwan ng Wika and English night, which made us grow white hair
The fair where everyone got married
What other fun can this school year bring?
Let's not get too used to this school year
For this might be the last we hear
We were once strangers to each other
Familiar, afterwards
Ones shoulder to lean on
When times get rough
I know most of us will stay
And some of us will also part ways
Remember to keep holding on
On the memories will and hopefully will not be gone
For this school year will end
Please, never let go
We were once strangers to each other
Familiar, afterwards
Ones shoulder to lean on
When times get rough
We now know each other
Might disappear, afterwards
Here's my shoulder to lean on
We're taking our part
We were once strangers to each other
Familiar, afterwards
Ones shoulder to lean on
When times get rough
We now know each other
Might disappear, afterwards
Here's my shoulder to lean on
We're taking our part
We were once strangers to each other
Maybe we'll be, afterwards
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About this song: Never Let Go (ver2)
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