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We've been so close since the first
You've tolerated my outbursts
You've been so kind to never leave my side
It was a pleasure taking your hand
I shouldn't have said it to you like that
I shouldn't have kept him beside me
I just wanted to love you so badly
Even if it means sleepless nights
But you know that-
I'll still love you no matter what
Happens between us
I hope you do too
You know that I'm still holding on
Your eyes and your smile
Still the things that I can't get off my mind
I just want you to be happy
I'm also doing my best I swear
You keep worrying about me
But you know that I do too
Stop blaming yourself for the things I did
What you're saying isn't true
I made all of this happen
If it didn't, we wouldn't be here
But if you're still doubting my love
You could leave me if you want
Please know that-
I'll still love you no matter what
Happens between us
I should be the one whose sorry for,
Who I was before
I'll be alright, though you might not be
I'll love you no matter what
You should blame me instead..
I still want you to be close to me
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About this song: Love You
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