3 Chords used in the song: C, D, B
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Barney Stinson
Barney Stinson
That guy's awesome, awesome
He's so awesome
he's so awesome
oh so awesome, awesome
[B] [
C] [
This isn't barney stinson singing this song
That would be really lame
[B] [
C] [
One of the many admirers who think that guy is awesome
References available
[B] [
aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws,
awesome, awesome
[B] [
aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws,
awesome, he is from awesome town
[B] [
aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws, aws,
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About this song: Barney Stinson, That Guy's Awesome
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