6 Chords used in the song: C#m, E, F#m, Am, B, A
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Transpose chords:
C#m E
When We all had finally Washed Ashore
F#m Am
It was clear there was no one else around
C#m E
We declared a national holiday
F#m Am
a chance to build it from the ground
C#m B
So far away
A Am
From everyone and everything starts today
E F#m
Let's Keep it together
E F#m
Can We Keep it together
E F#m
We're singing a new song
A Am E
now, and Everything Starts Today
C#m E
Can we rise can we get along alright
F#m Am
Can we miss the storm that sucked the whole world in
C#m E
And the bulbs went out all night and the choppers in the sky
F#m Am
The searched but they could find no trace of us
C#m B
So far away
A Am
From everyone and everything starts today
E F#m
Let's Keep it together
E F#m
Can We Keep it together
E F#m
We're singing a new song
A Am E
now, and Everything Starts Today
The Thunderstruck the clouds appear
I feel this crew is not prepared
And pretty soon the boats came for us
F#m E
Half a million strong
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