2 Chords used in the song: D, Em
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Transpose chords:
ooohh oooh oooh ooooh
ooohh oooh oooh ooooh
ooohh oooh oooh ooooh
ooohh oooh oooh ooooh
It's a cruel cruel world, to face on your own,
A heavy cross, to carry alone,
The lights are on, but everyone's gone,
And it's cruel
It's a funny way, to make ends meet,
when the lights are out on every street,
It feels alright, but never complete,
without you,
Em D
I trust you, if it's already been done, undo it,
Em D
It takes two, it's up to me and you, to prove it,
All the rainy nights, even the coldest days,
you're moments ago, but seconds away,
Em D
The principal of nature, it's true but, it's a cruel world,
ooohh oooh oooh ooooh
ooohh oooh oooh ooooh
ooohh oooh oooh ooooh
oooo - woah woooah
We can play it safe, or play it cool,
follow the leader, or make up all the rules,
whatever you want, the choice is yours,
So choose,
Em D
I trust you, if it's already been done, undo it,
Em D
It takes two, it's up to me and you, to prove it,
Em D
ei ei ei ei ei, oh oh oh , yeah-eah,
Em D
ei ei ei ei ei, oh oh oh, yeah-eah, yeeh-eah, yeah-eah,
- Strum Em four times followed by four taps
Strum D four times followed by four taps - x2
Em D
I trust you, it's already been done, undo it,
Em D
It takes two, it's up to me and you, to prove it,
Em D
ei ei ei, woah wo, yeah-eah
Em D
ei ei ei ei ei, oh oh oh oh oh, yeah-eah, yeah-eah, yeah-eah, x2
I trust you.
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About this song: Heavy Cross
“Heavy Cross” is from Gossip’s 2009 album, “Music for Men”, which was a title that Beth Ditto, Gossip’s charismatic front-person, came up with as a feminist joke. After having been to a concert with a girlfriend where they were the only two women in the audience, and seeing all the men totally into the show, the notion of gender-pleasing music stuck with her. A lot of the material for the album was written in the Shangri-La Studios in Malibu, California, where it was also recorded. Read more on Last.fm.