6 Chords used in the song: F#, C#, B, G#m, A#m, D#m
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Transpose chords:
Intro: F# C# B B
F# C# B
I don't know how the hell I got here
F# C# B
How did I make it to my bed?
F# C# B
Why didn't I drink any water
F# C# B
To stop this marchin' band from marchin' through my head?
G#m A#m
Well, I went out last night, so sure that
B A#m
I would never miss you this bad
G#m A#m B C#
I probably should have kept it to myself
F# C#
'Cause now I'm hungover, and I miss you
B F#
And my head hurts, and I wish you'd let me come over
C# B
And be with you one more time
F# C# B
'Cause I was an asshole, and I hate that, and I never got to say that
F# C# B
So let me come over and be with you one more time
F# C# B
I woke up to the next-door neighbors
F# C# B
Fuckin' like they were gonna die
F# C#
And usually I just wouldn't care
But right now, I'm much more aware that
F# C# B
My last time might have been my last time
F# C#
'Cause now I'm hungover, and I miss you
B F#
And my head hurts, and I wish you'd let me come over
C# B
And be with you one more time
F# C# B
'Cause I was an asshole, and I hate that, and I never got to say that
F# C# B
So let me come over and be with you one more time
D#m C# B
So let me come over and be with you one more time
G#m A#m
I went out last night, so sure that
B A#m
I would never miss you this bad
G#m A#m B
I promised I would keep this to myself...
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