6 Chords used in the song: F, Dm, Bb, C, Am, A
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Transpose chords:
F Dm
Remember that piano
Bb C
So delightful unusual
F Dm
That classic sensation
Bb C
Sentimental confusion
Am Bb
Used to say
Am Bb
I like Chopin
Am Bb C A
Love me now and again, (uoo)
Dm F
Rainy days never say goodbye
To desire when we are together
F Am
Rainy days growing in your eyes
Bb C
Tell me where's my way
F Dm
Imagine your face in
Bb C
A sunshine reflection
F Dm
A vision of blue skies
Bb C
Forever distractions
Dm F
Rainy days never say goodbye
To desire when we are together
F Am
Rainy days growing in your eyes
Bb C
Tell me where's my way
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About this song: I Like Chopin
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