13 Chords used in the song: F6, D7, Gm7, Bbm7, Fm7, C#7, C7, F, Edim, Gm, A7, F#m7, G7
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F6 D7
I've got the world on a string
Gm7 Bbm7
Sitting on a rainbow
Fm7 D7 C#7
Got that string around my finger
C7 F Edim
What a world, what a life, im in love.
F6 D7
I've got a song that I sing
Gm Bbm7
I can make the rain go
Fm7 D7 C#7
Anytime I move my finger
C7 F
Lucky me, can't you see, I'm in love
Life's a beautiful thing
F#m7 D7
As long as I hold that string
I'd be a silly so and so
G7 C7
If I should ever let it go
F6 D7
I've got the world on a string
Gm7 Bbm7
Sitting on a rainbow
Fm7 D7 C#7
Got that string around my finger
C7 F Edim
What a world, what a life, im in love.
Life's a beautiful thing
F#m7 D7
As long as I hold that string
I'd be a silly so and so
G7 C7
If I should ever let it go
F6 D7
I've got the world on a string
Gm7 Bbm7
Sitting on a rainbow
Fm7 D7 C#7
Got that string around my finger
C7 F Edim
What a world, what a life, im in love.
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About this song: I've Got The World On A String
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