Ukulele Tab without chords.

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Veroromo26, the bottom is the 2nd highest string. The order is 2431, 2 being the bottom G string, the 1 being the top A string.
21 Dec 2022

The bottom line represents the lowest, thickest string, while the top string represents the highest, thinnest string
the numbers on the tab to fret spaces on the neck. Unlike normal musical notation, tabs don't tell you which notes to play. Instead, they tell you where to put your fingers. Numbers on the lines correspond to frets on the fretboard. Each number represents a specific fret on the line it's written on.
the numbers on the tab to fret spaces on the neck. Unlike normal musical notation, tabs don't tell you which notes to play. Instead, they tell you where to put your fingers. Numbers on the lines correspond to frets on the fretboard. Each number represents a specific fret on the line it's written on.
01 Oct 2019

Top Tabs & Chords by Foster The People, don't miss these songs!
About this song: Pumped Up Kicks
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