16 Chords used in the song: G6, Ab6, G, D7, G7, C7, C6, Gaug, Cm6, Dm, Dm6, Cm, Bm6, Edim, E7, A7
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Intro: G6 Ab6 G6 G, G6 Ab6 G6 D7
G G7
I know (I know) you belong
C7 C6 Gaug Cm6
To somebody new
But tonight
D7 G6 Ab6 G6 G, G6 Ab6 G6 D7
You belong to me
G G7
Although (although) we're apart
C7 C6 Gaug Cm6
You're a part of my heart
But tonight
D7 G Dm Dm6
You belong to me
Cm Bm6 Cm
Wait down by the stream
Bm6 Cm Bm6 Cm
How sweet it will seem
G Edim E7
Once more just to dream
In the moonlight
D7 G
My honey I know
With the dawn
C7 C6 Gaug Cm6
That you will be gone
But tonight
D7 G
You belong to me
But tonight
You belong
To me
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About this song: Tonight You Belong To Me (the Jerk)
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