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Are you sitting down?
We need to talk.D
You made a promiseE
Rain, snow, or apocalypseD
You wouldn't stop thisA
Streak we had goingD
No tengo respuestaE
Nadie me contestaD
Esto me molestaA A7
I'm not jokingD A
When I say I'm about to up the stakesD A A7
Si no practicas, ¡ya verás lo que sucede!D A
It's either Spanish or VanishE
No es una peticiónA A7
No I demand itD A
Two choices Spanish or VanishE
Amo la carne humanaA
I'm muy famishedD A
Spanish or VanishE
No tolero la estupidezA A7
No I can't stand thisD A
Pick one, it's Spanish or VanishE
Soy conocido por comer cabezasA E
Like a praying mantis!
--> Duolingo noise (not chords):A -D
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About this song: Spanish Or Vanish
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