Weightless Uke tab by Coals

3 Chords used in the song: F#, D#m, Bbm

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Album:  unknown
Key: unknownChords
F# F# D#m D#m Bbm Bbm Bbm Bbm

I'm looking for weightless moments
With no stabbing of the heart
With no stabbing of the heart
I'm looking for weightless moments
With no stabbing of the heart
With no stabbing of the heart

This is the end of tightened throats
Mutual cries and screams
I'm sitting on this bench where years ago
We imagined how we'd live
When fun gives way to common sense

This is the end of tightened throats
Mutual cries and screams
I'm sitting on this bench where years ago
We imagined how we'd live
When fun gives way to common sense
When fun gives way to common sense

I'm looking for weightless moments
With no stabbing of the heart
With no stabbing of the heart
I'm looking for weightless moments
With no stabbing of the heart
With no stabbing of the heart
I'm looking for weightless moments

Uke tab by , 04 Jul 2020

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