It's My Life Uke tab by Bon Jovi

8 Chords used in the song: C, G#, G, F, D#, A#/D, A#, Bdim

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Year:  2000
Key: unknownChords
Intro: C C         G# G#    G G    [x2]

Verse 1:
C C C C C C G# G# G G
This aint a song for the broken hearted
C C C C C C G# G# G G
A A silent prayer for the faith departed
I aint gonna be just a face in the crowd
F F F F (F F )
Gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud

C C G# G#
It's my life and it's now or never
D# D# A#/D A#/D
I aint gonna live for - e - ver
C C G# G# A# A#
I just wanna live while I'm alive
A# A# Bdim Bdim C C
It's my Life
G# G#
My heart is like an open highway
D# D# A#/D A#/D
Like Franky said I did it my way
C C G# G# A# A#
I just wanna live while I'm alive
A# A# Bdim Bdim C C G# G# G G
It's my Life

Verse 2:
C C C C C C G# G# G G
This is for ones who stood their ground
C C C C C C G# G# G G
Like Tommy and Gina, they won't back down
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake
F F F F (F F )
Luck ain't even lucky got to make your own breaks

Solo Progression:

G# G# | A# A# | C C | F F | C C |

You better stand tall when they're calling You out
F F F F (F F )
Don't bend don't break Baby don't back down

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Uke tab by , 25 Nov 2009

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