Moon River Uke tab by Audrey Hepburn

14 Chords used in the song: G, Em, C, Am, B7, G7, F, C#dim, Bm7, E7, D7, Em7, Em6, GM7

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Year:  2014
Key: unknownChords
VERSE 1: G G Em Em C C G G
Moon River, wider than a mile
C C G G Am Am B7 B7
I'm crossing you in style some-day
Em Em G7 G7 C C F F
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Em Em C#dim C#dim Bm7 Bm7 / - E7 E7 / Am Am / - D7 D7 /
Wher-ever you're going, I'm go -ing your way
VERSE 2: G G Em Em C C G G
Two drifters, off to see the world
C C G G Am Am B7 B7
There's such a lot of world to see
Em Em Em7 Em7 Em6 Em6 C#dim C#dim / GM7 GM7 C C /
We're af -ter the same rainbow's end,
GM7 GM7 C C /
Waiting ‘round the bend
GM7 GM7 Em7 Em7 Am Am D7 D7 G G
My huckleberry friend, Moon River and me

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Uke tab by , 06 May 2017

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About this song: Moon River

"Moon River" is a song composed by Johnny Mercer (lyrics) and Henry Mancini (music) in 1961, for whom it won that year's Academy Award for Best Original Song. It is most well-known for being sung in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's by Audrey Hepburn, although it has been covered by many other artists.It became the theme song for Andy Williams, who first recorded the song in 1961 and performed it at the Academy Awards ceremonies in 1962. He sang Read more on

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