11 Chords used in the song: C, G7, C7, F, Cdim7, Cmaj7, Em6, Dm, G, G7sus4, Dm7
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Transpose chords:
Everybody lives on a street in a city
Or a village or a town for what it's worth.
And they're all inside a country which is part of a continent
That sits upon a planet known as Earth.
And the Earth is a ball full of oceans and some mountains
C7 F
Which is out there spinning silently in space.
Cdim7 Cmaj7 Em6
And living on that Earth are the plants and the animals
Dm G7 C G7 C
And also the entire human race.
It's a great big universe
And we're all really puny
We're just tiny little specks
About the size of Mickey Rooney.
F Cdim7
It's big and black and inky
Cmaj7 Em6
And we are small and dinky
Dm G7 C
It's a big universe and we're not.
And we're part of a vast interplanetary system
Stretching seven hundred billion miles long.
With nine planets and a sun; we think the Earth's the only one
That has life on it, although we could be wrong.
Across the interstellar voids are a billion asteroids
C7 F
Including meteors and Halley's Comet too.
Cdim7 Cmaj7 Em6
And there's over fifty moons floating out there like balloons
Dm G7 C
In a panoramic trillion-mile view.
And still it's all a speck amid a hundred billion stars
In a galaxy we call the Milky Way.
It's sixty thousand trillion miles from one end to the other
And still that's just a fraction of the way.
'Cause there's a hundred billion galaxies that stretch across the sky
C7 F
Filled with constellations, planets, moons and stars.
Cdim7 Cmaj7 Em6
And still the universe extends to a place that never ends
Dm G7 C G7 C
Which is maybe just inside a little jar!
It's a great big universe
And we're all really puny
We're just tiny little specks
C G7sus4 Cdim7
About the size of Mickey Rooney.
C F Cdim7
Though we don't know how it got here
Cmaj7 Em6
We're an important part here
Dm7 G7 C G7 C
It's a big universe and it's ours!
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About this song: Yakko's Universe
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