Kermit The Frog ukulele tabs

Play songs by Kermit The Frog on your Uke

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22 songs (6 tabs and 16 chords)

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There are 22 Kermit The Frog Ukulele tabs and chords in database

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Biography Kermit The Frog

Kermit the Frog is a Muppet and one of puppeteer Jim Henson's most famous creations. Kermit was performed by Henson until his death in 1990. Since then, he has been performed by puppeteer Steve Whitmire. An early version of Kermit appeared in 1955, in a five minute puppet show for WRC-TV Sam and Friends. The prototype Kermit was created from a green ladies' coat that Henson's mother had thrown in the trash can, and two ping-pong balls for eyes.