5 Chords used in the song: Am, C, F, Dm, G
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Transpose chords:
Intro: Am, C, F
Am C F
Somewhere there's a sea that has no other side
Am C
Somewhere there's a airplane lost
beyond the sky..
Dm Am G
So fly us up above the clouds
Dm Am G
and live your life, where you are now.
F G Am
In the darkness round the sun,
theres light behind your eyes.
F G Am
When you've lost the will to run
you can feel it start to shine.
F G Am
When the rain falls down so hard
Am Am C
and you dont know where to start..
F (only one strum)
Drown it in the sun
Am C
Somwhere someone thinks they found
the perfect love.
Am C F
And you think you found the answer to all of this.
Dm Am G
So hang on sometimes we miss.
Dm Am G
I'll be your perfect kiss.
F G Am
In the darkness round the sun,
theres light behind your eyes.
F G Am
When you've lost the will to run
you can feel it start to shine.
F G Am
When the rain falls down so hard
Am Am C
and you dont know where to start..
Drown it in the sun
Am C F
Am C F
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About this song: Darkness Round The Sun
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