3 Chords used in the song: F, B, G
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View these chords for the Baritone
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Tape holds things that cannot stick
and keep leftovers in the fridgeB
while lessons learned go down the drain
I can't believe in everythingF
all the bad names goneG
and the good ones were all wrongF
and so I stayed up all nightB
slept in all dayF
this is my soundG
thinking about tomorrow won't change how I feel todayF
Never let your mark erase
'cause broken legs can be replacedB
two steps to the finish line
three sips till I finish mineF
a straw will always suck it out
close your eyes and use your mouthG
and tell me about your songF
And so I stayed up nightB
slept in all dayF
this is my soundG
thinking about tomorrow won't change how I feel today
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About this song: Lessons Learned
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