8 Chords used in the song: Am, F, Dm, G, A#, C, E, A
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Transpose chords:
| Alesana- As You Wish |
Am - F - Dm - F
Life is meaningless without you
Am Am F
Love can be such beautiful torture
My heart breaks as I long for you
Am Am
Love can be such lovely torture
A# C Dm Dm A#
I will climb the hills, draw my sword
C Dm Am
And take down anyone who tries to stand in front of me
A# C Dm
Please know I'll never run away
Without you in my arms
A# C Dm
One day lovers will dream of
Dm C
This undying kiss
A# C Dm Dm C
Not of Romeo or Jul - i - et
A# C Dm Dm C
Stories told of
Our love will never die
Verse 2
I've slain the most unholy things
Am F
I've endured such terrific pain
Finally I'll feel your caress again
I've braved the cold and lonely seas
Am F
I have prevailed against the odds
Then again
A# - C - Dm - Dm
A# - C - Dm - Am
A# - C - Dm - Dm
A# - C - Dm - Dm - C
A# - C - Dm - Dm - C
A# - C - Dm - Dm - C
I will climb the hills, draw my sword
And take down anyone who tries to stand in front of me
Please know I'll never run away
Without you in my arms
One day lovers will dream of
This undying kiss
Not of Romeo or Juliet
Stories told of
Our love will never die
A Dm
Will you forgive what I've done
To give you four white horses
A# Dm
Will you forgive what I've done
To give you four white horses
A# Dm
Will you forgive what I've done
To give you four white horses
A# Dm
Will you forgive what I've done
To give you four white horses
A# A
Will you forgive what I've done
To give you...
A# - C - Dm - Dm - C
A# - C - Dm - Dm - C
A# - C - Dm - Dm - C
One day lovers will dream of
This undying kiss
Not of Romeo or Juliet
Stories told of
A# C Dm
Our love will never die...
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