Play songs by Paramore on your Uke
Top Tabs & Chords by Paramore, don't miss these songs!
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There are 169 Paramore Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- chords 26
- tab 26 SoloRate song!
- chords 26
- chords AdoreRate song!
- mix After Laughter (album)
- chords Ain't It Fun
- chords Ain't It FunRate song!
- mix Ain't It Fun
- chords All I Wanted
- chords All I Wanted
- chords Anklebiters
- tab AnklebitersRate song!
- chords Another DayRate song!
- chords Be Alone
- chords Born For This
- chords Born For ThisRate song!
- chords Breathe Part
- chords Breathe Part
- chords Brick By Boring Brick
- chords Brick By Boring Brick
- chords Brick By Boring Brick AcousticRate song!
- chords Brighter
- chords Broken WingsRate song!
- chords CarefulRate song!
- chords Careful [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords Caught In The Midldle
- chords CircleRate song!
- chords Conspiracy
- chords Conspiracy [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords CraveRate song!
- chords Crush Crush Crush
- chords DaydreamingRate song!
- mix DecodeRate song!
- mix Decode
- chords Decode
- tab Decode
- mix Decode
- tab Decode
- chords DecodeRate song!
- mix Decode
- chords Decode
- tab Decode Riff
- chords DecoyRate song!
- chords Emergency
- chords EmergencyRate song!
- chords Fake Happy
- chords Feeling SorryRate song!
- chords Fences
- chords Fences
- mix For A Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic
- chords For A Pessimist I'm Pretty OptimisticRate song!
- chords Franklin
- chords FutureRate song!
- chords Grudges
- chords Hallelujah
- chords Hard Times
- chords Hard Times
- chords Hate To See Your Heart Break
- chords Hate To See Your Heart Break
- chords Hate To See Your Heart Break
- chords Hear You MeRate song!
- chords HeartRate song!
- chords Hello Cold WorldRate song!
- tab Hello HelloRate song!
- chords Her We Go Again AcousticRate song!
- chords Here We Go AgainRate song!
- chords Here We Go Again [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords Here We Go Again Ver.2Rate song!
- chords HeroRate song!
- mix I Caught MyselfRate song!
- chords I Caught MyselfRate song!
- chords I'm Not Angry Anymore
- chords Idle WorshipRate song!
- chords Idle Worship
- chords IgnoranceRate song!
- chords IgnoranceRate song!
- chords In The Mourning
- tab In The MourningRate song!
- chords Interlude I'm Not Angry AnymoreRate song!
- chords Interlude Moving On
- chords Interlude Moving On [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords Interlude-i'm Not AngryRate song!
- chords Interlude: Holiday
- chords Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore
- chords Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore
- chords Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore
- chords Interlude: Moving On
- chords Interlude: Moving OnRate song!
- mix Interlude: Moving On
- chords Interlude:moving On
- chords Just Like MeRate song!
- chords Last HopeRate song!
- chords Last Hope
- chords Let The Flames Begin
- chords Let This Go
- chords Looking UpRate song!
- chords Love's Not A Competition But I'm WinningRate song!
- tab Lovesick MelodyRate song!
- chords MiracleRate song!
- mix Misery Business
- chords Misery Business
- tab Misery Business Part
- chords Misery Business Rate song!
- chords Misguided Ghosts
- chords Misguided Ghosts
- chords Monster
- chords Monster
- chords My Heart
- chords My Heart (basic) PartRate song!
- chords My Hero
- chords Never Let This Go
- chords NowRate song!
- chords Oh StarRate song!
- mix Only Exception
- chords Only Exception
- mix Part IiRate song!
- tab Plane Crash DreamsRate song!
- tab Playing GodRate song!
- chords Playing God
- chords Playing God
- chords Pool
- chords Pool [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords PressureRate song!
- chords ProofRate song!
- chords RenegadeRate song!
- chords Rose-colored Boy
- chords Stay AwayRate song!
- chords Still Into You
- tab Still Into YouRate song!
- chords Still Into You
- chords Still Into You
- mix Stop This SongRate song!
- chords Stuck On YouRate song!
- chords Sunday Bloody SundayRate song!
- chords Swim In SilenceRate song!
- chords TeenagersRate song!
- chords TemporaryRate song!
- chords Thats What You Get
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only ExceptionRate song!
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception Part
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords The Only Exception
- chords Throwing PunchesRate song!
- mix Told You SoRate song!
- chords TowerRate song!
- chords Turn It Off
- chords Turn It OffRate song!
- chords Use SomebodyRate song!
- mix We Are Broken
- mix When It Rains
- chords When It Rains
- chords Where The Lines OverlapRate song!
- chords WhoaRate song!
- chords You Are Not Woman EnoughRate song!
- chords You Are The Only ExceptionRate song!
- chords [one Of Those] Crazy Girls
- chords [one Of Those] Crazy Girls
Paramore Albums
Biography Paramore
Paramore is an American rock band that was formed in Franklin, Tennessee, United States in 2003. The band consists of Hayley Williams (lead vocals/keyboard), Josh Farro (lead guitar/backing vocals), Jeremy Davis (bass guitar), Taylor York (rhythm guitar), and Zac Farro (drums). The band have released three studio albums in total; All We Know Is Falling (2005), RIOT! (2007) and Brand New Eyes (2009).
Get ready for the next concert of Paramore.