15 Chords used in the song: A, Am, Bm, E, Amaj7, F#m, B, Dmaj7, D, Dm, C#7, C#m, A#m, F#, Gm
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Transpose chords:
A Am Bm E
A Amaj7
I am tired of this dream.
Will it ever end for me?
Bm B
I don’t have the will to know.
E Amaj7 E
Can you help me see?
Let my body keep you warm.
Dmaj7 D
Let my essence be your breeze.
Dm Bm
Can you hear me calling?
C#7 F#m
Please look out for me
Can you set me free?
C#m F#m
Will you take my soul away.
Casting me in cold.
Bury me in bones.
A A#m
Rest eternally.
F# D E
Will you take me home?
C#m Gm
Can we see the moon again?
Dancing in the dark
till we fall apart
I can't end this dream
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About this song: Eternal Dream
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