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There are 38 Enrique Bunbury Ukulele tabs and chords in database
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Enrique Bunbury Albums
Biography Enrique Bunbury
Enrique Ortiz de Landázuri Izarduy, better known as Enrique Bunbury, was born August 11, 1967 in Zaragoza, Spain. He got involved in music in the early 1980s, making his debut in a high school band called Apocalipsis, and later played along with Proceso Entrópico. In 1984 Bunbury joined a group called Zumo de Vidrio, debuting as a lead vocalist. After adopting the nickname of Bunbury, taken from an Oscar Wilde novel, the musician teamed up with Héroes Del Silencio, becoming a major number in the spanish rock scene. Read more about Enrique Bunbury on
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