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There are 26 Los Fabulosos Cadillacs Ukulele tabs and chords in database
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Los Fabulosos Cadillacs Albums
Biography Los Fabulosos Cadillacs
Los Fabulosos Cadillacs are a latin-rock band from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Formed in 1985, they released their first album, Bares y Fondas (Bars and Boardinghouses) in 1986. Since then they have released fourteen more albums. The band's sound is a mix of rock, ska, jazz, salsa, folk, rap and big band. The lineup has changed throughout the years, but the core members have always been the co-founders: singer Gabriel Fernandez Capello (known as Vicentico) and bassist Flavio Cianciaurlo (known as Sr. Flavio). Vicentico and Sr. Flavio have done the majority of the songwriting and lyrics as well.
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