4 Chords used in the song: Eb, Gm, Bb, F
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Transpose chords:
Eb gm eb bb f eb
Eb Gm Eb
I see, you and me, so eloquently
Bb F Eb
You′re the best thing that's ever been free
As you run away
Through the mountaintops like water drops,
Bb F
trickling down my skin
Eb Gm Eb
I fall, every morning, when I wake up and
Bb F
I don′t see your face, I pace
Eb Gm Eb
you're gone, people keep talking telling me I'll be fine in time
Bb F
But Ooh, they′re wrong
Eb Gm
I see you when the lightning strikes
I see you in the rain
Bb F
See you when the sun goes down When the light
hits my face
See you in the late night drives
I see you every day
Eb Bb F
And no matter how I try I can never erase
Eb Gm Eb
I bleed, through my tears so effortlessly
Bb F Eb
Took a bow but I landed on my knees
I took the chance, but I didn′t know
That you would grow away from me
Bb F
Down to France
Eb Gm Eb
I want to forget the first time that we kissed
Bb F
That would make us both liars, on fire
Eb Gm
Just move on, they say I'll find someone
Telling me I′ll be fine in time
Bb F
But Ooh, they're wrong
Eb Gm
I see you when the lightning strikes
I see you in the rain
Bb F
See you when the sun goes down When the light
hits my face
See you in the late night drives
I see you every day
Eb Bb F Eb
And no matter how I try I can never erase
I see you when the moon comes up
I see you when the snow falls west
I see you when the leaves turn brown
Bb F
When the wind hits my chest
Eb Gm
I see you when the storm blows cold
I saw you when you left
Bb F Eb
And until you come back home I won′t get a day of rest
Eb Gm
I see you when the lightning strikes
I see you in the rain
Bb F
See you when the sun goes down When the light
hits my face
See you in the late night drives
I see you every day
Eb Bb F
And no matter how I try I can never erase
I can't eat
I can′t sleep
Here I scream out
Bb F
Ah ah ah oh, when you're not around
Eb Gm Eb
If you loved me when you called me lovely
Or when you touched me
Bb F Eb
You would feel the way I feel now
Am I in your lightning strikes
Am I in the rain
You see me when the sun goes down
Bb F
When the light hits your face
Hope I'm in your late night drives
And you see me every day
And no matter how you try
Bb F
I′m the one you just can′t replace
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