The Mollusk Tab par Ween

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Année:  1997
Tonalité: inconnuAccords et Tablature
riff 1


riff 2

just repeat these riffs through out the song,

Yes I know these riffs are hard as balls for beginner players, but I ain't got much to do to fix that

(riff 1)
Hey little boy, whatcha got there?
Kind sir it's a mollusk I've found
Did you find it in the sandy ground?
Does it emulate the ocean's sound?

(riff 2)
Yes I found it on the ground
Emulating the ocean's sound
Bring forth the mollusk cast unto me
Let's be forever let forever be free

(riff 1)
Hey little boy come walk with me
And bring your new found mollusk along
Does it speaketh of the trinity
Can it gaze at the sun with it's wandering eye

(riff 2)
Yes it speaks of the trinity
Casting light at the sun with it's wandering eye
Bring forth the mollusk cast unto me
Let's be forever let forever be free

(riff 1)
You see there are three things that spur the mollusk from the sand
The waking of all creatures that live on the land
And with just one faint glance, back into the sea
The mollusk lingers with it's wandering eye...

{I don't have the solo or the outro tabbed, sorry}

Tab par , 13 nov. 2022

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