Tablature Ukulélé sans accords.

This is just the single-note progression due to the speed of the song.
This is also my first tab so this may have some minor errors.
You will only be using theA and
E string with the first seven frets.
The "X" marks where your finger should be in relation to the seven frets.
If you want to loop the song, play until you hit the repeat marker and then go back to the beginning.
A|-x-----| A|--x----| A|-x-----| A|-------| A|-x-----| A|--x----|
A|-------| A|-x-----| A|-------| E|--x----| A|-------| A|-x-----|
E|-x-----| E|-------| E|-x-----| E|--x----|
E|-------| E|-x-----| E|--x----| A|-x-----| A|-------|
A|-x-----| A|-------| E|--x----| A|-------|
A|-------| A|-x-----| A|--x----| A|----x--| [REPEAT MARKER] A|------x|
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