I Don't Want To Say Too Much Tab par sagun

4 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: Cmaj7, G, Gmaj7, D

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: G, EmAccords
(no lyrics)

Cmaj7 Cmaj7


Gmaj7 Gmaj7

*strumming is different on each chord:
Cmaj7 Cmaj7 : d d dudd
G G : d-d OR d-t (for d-d, let the first strum ring, cut off second with next chord)
Gmaj7 Gmaj7 : d d dudu

*In some parts of the song the first down strum on Cmaj7 Cmaj7 chord is skipped, and i suggest playing along with the song to learn where its at.

Tab par , 07 juin 2022

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