A Quitter Tab par Rasputina

5 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: F, C, Dm, Bb, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Année:  2002
Tonalité: F, DmAccords
Intro: F F C C
I have worked out every small detail
Dm Dm
In this plan I've made,
Bb Bb
This thing which cannot fail.
I dare myself to do this one thing.
Dm Dm
You can have my car,
Bb Bb
Go and take everything

F F Bb Bb C C
A A-l-l that's good is gone...
Am Am C C
(its gone.)

F F Bb Bb C C
I have tried too long.

I don't think I'll miss my Mom and Dad,
The class I cut,
All the friends I never had.
these things I won't miss won't miss me,
my house, my block,
the baby bird that I set free.
The dance that I was never asked to...
The teachers that thought they knew me.
They'll all remember what I did,
They'll ask "Who's fault was it?"
"Oh he was just a kid..."

I'll be glad to go, you see,
You don't even know me,
Am Am C C F F
Not at all.

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