6 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: G, D, D7, G7, C, Em
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Voir ces acccords pour le Baryton
Changer de tonalité:
(Ai, siña ti un tungo', taiguhi tiningo' put hågu,)
(Oh, you might not have known, I thought that way of you,)
[G] [
ya ti hu achakka' hao yanggen un dingu.
(and I don't blame you if you leave.)
Lao hu li'e' hao gi painge, ya un lågo' gi matå-mu,
(But I saw you last night, with a tear in your eye,)
[D] [
D7] [
ya ha påcha yo' mås ki pa bai hu sångan.
(and it touched me more than I'll say.)
Lao ti hu hongge i che'lu-hu, na po un na'puti yo' nai på'go,
(But I don't believe, my sister, that you're going to hurt me now,)
[G] [
G7] [
ni guåhu gagaige mågåhet gi fi'on-mu
(with me truly being there by your side.)
[C] [
D] [
Apo' mågi gi apagå'-hu,
(Lean here on my shoulder,)
[G] [
Em] [
ya bai hu sångåni hao ni estoriå-hu,
(and I'll tell you my story,)
[C] [
D] [
G] [
sa' hågu ya-hu.
(because I love you.)
[G7] [
C] [
D] [
Apo' mågi gi apagå'-hu,
(Lean here on my shoulder,)
[G] [
Em] [
ya bai hu sångåni hao ni estoriå-hu,
(and I'll tell you my story,)
[C] [
D] [
sa' hågu ya-hu.
(because I love you.)
[G] [
Ai, siña ti un hongge na i korason-hu kumåkåti, ai, pot hågu.
(Oh, you might not believe that my heart is crying, oh, for you.)
Ai, lao hågu i che'lu-hu, ai, i mågåhet ti un hahasso,
(Oh, but you my sister, oh, you don't remember the truth,)
[D] [
D7] [
na pot hågu yo' nai neni na måfåtto.
(that it's for you that I've come.)
Lao un na'klåru giya guåhu yan mågåhet na i ti ya-mu,
(But you've made it clear to me, and you don't like the truth.)
[G] [
G7] [
ya bai hu hånao yanggen nå'ån-hu na ti hu hungok.
(and I'll go if I don't hear my name.)
Chorus (2x)
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