Tablature Ukulélé sans accords.
Notez la chanson !
# This is the theme for the TV show Sharpe, and this is what Hagman (John Tams) plays at the end of each episode. Enjoy! :)
A ----2-2----------2-2-3-0-0---2-2----3---------2-3-0-0
E -0-3-3---3-0-0--3-3-------0-3-3--3-0-----------------
C --------------------------------------4-2-0-2--------
G -----------------------------------------------------
# Please listen to the song, as this is only the main riff. There is a harmony on the fiddle after John stops singing too, so feel free to figure it out for yourself. I say harmony, but its only filling in the gaps really. Happy uke-ing. :D
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