Invasion Tab par Eisley

4 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: Am, C, G, D

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Année:  2007
Tonalité: G, EmAccords
Am Am                                               C C
the colorless words are burning our heels as the bright lights
of the city fade
Am Am C C G G
taking the chase to curb our fear as the bloodless moon
Am Am
casts its face

G G Am Am C C G G Am Am G G
oh something's not right, i can feel it inside, something's not right

Am Am C C G G D D
you would take the breath from my throat
Am Am C C G G D D Am Am
and you would take the cherished people that i hold

Am Am C C G G
all in time you will be one of us painless, us blameless
Am Am
go to sleep, this wont hurt a bit
C C G G Am Am
shifting your shape to our shells

G G Am Am G G Am Am G G
oh something's not right, i can feel it inside, something's not right

Am Am C C G G D D
you would take the breath from my throat
Am Am C C G G D D Am Am
and you would take the cherished people that i hold
Am Am C C G G D D
you would take the breath from my throat
Am Am C C G G D D Am Am
and you would take the cherished people that i hold

Am Am C C G G
and they will try to make us forget ourselves
D D Am Am
one by one one by one
call me crazy but they are after us
D D Am Am
one by one one by one
you don't have to know the truth
G G D D Am Am
if you believe it, i believe it too
you don't have to know the truth
if you believe it, i believe it too

G G Am Am G G Am Am G G
oh something's not right, i can feel it inside, something's not right

Am Am C C G G D D
you would take the breath from my throat
Am Am C C G G D D Am Am
and you would take the cherished people that i hold
Am Am C C G G D D
you would take the breath from my throat
Am Am C C G G D D Am Am
and you would take the cherished people that i hold

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