Rain Tab par Dragon (Accords Baryton)

7 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: Am, Bb, C, F, Gm, C7, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: F, DmAccords
Am Am Bb Bb C C F F Gm Gm C7 C7

C C Am Am F F
It's a happening thing

C C Am Am Bb Bb
And it's happening to you

C C Am Am Bb Bb
Full moon and thunder

C C Am Am Bb Bb
Ribbons of blue

C C Am Am F F
Ice on the window

C C Am Am Bb Bb
Ice in my heart

C C Am Am F F
Fooling with thunder

C C Am Am Bb Bb
Every time we start


Dm Dm F F
It's been raining for so long

Dm Dm F F
It's been raining for so long

C C Am Am F F
Oh it's any wonder

C C Am Am Bb Bb
The streets are dark

C C Am Am F F
Is it any wonder

C C Am Am Bb Bb
We fall apart

C C Am Am F F
Day after day

C C Am Am Bb Bb
Straight rain falls down

C C Am Am F F
All over town

C C Am Am Bb Bb
Rain coming

Chorus and refrain

Dm Dm F F
It's been raining for so long

Dm Dm F F
It's been raining fo so long

F F C C Dm Dm F F
Don't you go out in the rain

Bb Bb Gm Gm C C 7
Don't go out in the pouring rain

F F C C Dm Dm F F
If you go out in the rain

Bb Bb Gm Gm C7 C7
We'll never have that time again

C C Am Am F F
Oh is it any wonder

C C Am Am Bb Bb
The streets are dark

C C Am Am F F
Oh is it any wonder

C C Am Am Bb Bb
We call apart

Dm Dm F F
All these feelings that seem so wrong

Dm Dm F F
Remember when we were so strong


Tab par , 29 juin 2019

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