One Day You Will Remember Tab par Domenichelli

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: inconnuAccords
Oh girl, I don't know if you already got home
But if you do
I just wanted to let you know the truth

Oh girl, I know that you're feeling down but
You gotta let your heart be free
As your soul

2X One day you will remember
The storm that it's in your life
One day you will remember
And won't try to forget it

Oh boy, you should try to be the best that you can
And if you do
You'll see the world shining right for you

You're not lost
Life is too short to spend on tears
You're not lost
Tomorrow the sun will rise

2X One day you will remember
The storm that it's in your life
One day you will remember
And won't try to forget it

Tab par , 19 nov. 2016

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