Homesick Tab par Cavetown

4 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: G, Em, C, D7

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Année:  2020
Tonalité: G, EmAccords
[Verse 1]
G G Em Em
Pretty lights roll over the river
G G Em Em C C
My, oh my, the sky's so much bigger than we thought
G G Em Em C C
And I wanna see it all
G G Em Em G G
Cool summer nights were nice for a while
G G Em Em C C
Right now, I'm missing my warm bath towel
G G Em Em C C
It's nice going out with you
G G Em Em C C
But isn't it lovely coming home to

G G Em Em
Take me home, I want my bed, I want my mom
G G Em Em
We've had so much fun, but I want to go home
C C D7 D7 G G Em Em
We will sit on the windowsill and look up at the sky
C C D7 D7 G G Em Em
And the clouds will spell messages addressed to you and I
C C D7 D7 G G Em Em
We will water the plants for the first time in a while
C C D7 D7 G G
And I'll say with a sigh, "I am home"

⇢ Cette tablature ne vous convient pas? Voir 1 autre(s) version(s)

Tab par , 25 janv. 2021

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Kyrareinhart avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Minnetonka)
18 Mar 2021
snowa avatar
it's in a rly weird key n the d7 sounds a bit wonky
11 Mar 2021

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