Jouez des chansons de Jonathan Coulton au ukulélé
Top Tabs et Accords de Jonathan Coulton, ne manquez pas ces chansons!
Artistes similaires à Jonathan Coulton
Il y a 50 Jonathan Coulton Tablatures, accords, partitions de ukulélé tabs en base
- tab A Talk With George
- chords Alone At HomeNotez la chanson !
- chords Artificial HeartNotez la chanson !
- chords Baby Got Back (acoustic Version)Notez la chanson !
- chords Baby Got Back Acoustic
- chords Betty And MeNotez la chanson !
- chords Big Bad World One
- chords Chiron Beta Prime
- chords Chiron Beta PrimeNotez la chanson !
- chords Code Monkey [ Rate ] Notez la chanson !
- chords Code Monkey
- chords Dissolve
- chords Don't Feed The TrollsNotez la chanson !
- tab Down Today Part
- tab Drinking With YouNotez la chanson !
- chords Famous Blue RaincoatNotez la chanson !
- chords First Of MayNotez la chanson !
- mix GlassesNotez la chanson !
- chords Good Morning TusconNotez la chanson !
- chords I Crush EverythingNotez la chanson !
- mix I Crush EverythingNotez la chanson !
- mix I'm Your Moon Part
- chords Ikea
- chords Ikea
- chords Ikea [ Rate ] Notez la chanson !
- chords Mr. Fancy Pants
- chords My MonkeyNotez la chanson !
- chords NemesesNotez la chanson !
- chords Not About YouNotez la chanson !
- chords One Christmas At A Time RiffNotez la chanson !
- tab Portal - Still Alive - Valve (full)
- chords Re: Your Brains
- chords Re: Your Brains Part
- chords Rene'e רנהNotez la chanson !
- chords Shopvac
- chords Skullcrusher Mountain
- chords Skullcrusher Mountain
- chords Soft Rocked By MeNotez la chanson !
- mix Still Alive Riff
- chords Still AliveNotez la chanson !
- chords Still Alive Part
- mix Still Alive
- tab Still AliveNotez la chanson !
- chords Still Alive
- tab Still Alive- Artificial Heart VersionNotez la chanson !
- chords The Future Soon
- chords The Presidents (original 2006 Lyrics)Notez la chanson !
- chords Tom Cruise Crazy
- chords When You GoNotez la chanson !
- chords You Ruined EverythingNotez la chanson !
Jonathan Coulton Albums
Biographie Jonathan Coulton
Version Anglaise : A former computer programmer and self-described geek, Coulton tends to write quirky, witty, fanciful lyrics about a variety of topics such as science fiction and technology: a man who thinks in simian terms, a mad scientist who falls in love with one of his captives, and the dangers of bacteria. He does not often write topical songs, but he did release a song titled "W's Duty", which sampled President George W. Bush, in 2005 and another called "Tom Cruise Crazy" in 2006.
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