To You Tabulatur von Mason Jennings

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: D, Dmaj7, G, Gmaj7, Am, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: D, G, Em, BmAkkorde
0 1 2 3 4 5
D D                       Dmaj7 Dmaj7
I'm gonna say what i've wanted to say
G G Gmaj7 Gmaj7
since i first saw you on that rainy day
D D Dmaj7 Dmaj7
when you caught me looking and i made you laugh

honey, i know you, i always have.

D D Dmaj7 Dmaj7
and if this world is just a random bet
G G Gmaj7 Gmaj7
then there'd be no good reason why we would have met
D D Dmaj7 Dmaj7
but if there's something bigger, if there's something planned
G G Gmaj7 Gmaj7
honey, i want you to understand

D D Am Am
that every beat of my heart is proof
G G Em Em
i've spent my life trying to get back home

D D Dmaj7 Dmaj7 G G Gmaj7 Gmaj7
Chorus: To you oh whoa whoa (repeat)

Chords repeat themselves through out, I don't not the solo on this song

Verse 2:
i'm gonna do what i've wanted to do
im gonna trust my heart and give it back to you
every time i speak i want to say your name
honey i know you, feel the same

when we're talking and you look at me
i feel a distant memory coming back to me
like my own reflection on a quiet lake
honey i see you, theres no mistake

every word that i say is true
i've spent my life trying to get back home



Verse 3:
i'm gonna be who i've wanted to be
i will become the man who you deserve from me
no more hiding out under mountains of fear
honey we're breaking out of here

the open road and the sky above
nothing can hold us back from the things we love
you need not save your strength, untie your safety rope
you will not need it, all we need is hope

every dream that we have is true
i've spent my life trying to get back home


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Tabulatur von , 17 Sep 2009

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