Spiele Lieder von The Head And The Heart auf deiner Ukulele
40 Lieder (11 tabs und 29 Akkorde)
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The Head And The Heart Alben
Biographie The Head And The Heart
Composed largely of transplants to the Seattle area, The Head and the Heart write and play songs that speak to the newness of a fresh start, of the ghosts left behind, of moving forward, all brimming with a soulfulness and hope for a better life than the one we've all been sold. Stylistically, think a folksy Beatles or Crosby Stills Nash & Young with more instrumental force. Catchy piano melodies stand side by side with a tight trio of harmonies, and solid minimalist drums, groovin bass, and plenty of hand percussion and foot stomps make the live show inspiring and really goddamn fun.
Mach Dich für das nächste Konzert von The Head And The Heart bereit.