Train Song Ft. Ben Gibbard Tabulatur von Feist

8 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Am, Am6, F, E, Am7, Dm, G, C

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: C, AmAkkorde und Tabulaturen
# Just translated this to ukulele from a guitar site lol

Ukulele 1: Am Am
Am-Am6 Am6-Am (x4)

Ukulele 2: Am Am
Am-Am6 Am6-Am (x2)


[Verse 1]

Am Am F F E E
Travelling north, travelling north to find you
Am Am F F E E
Train wheels beating, the wind in my eyes
Am Am F F E E
Don't even know what I'll find when I get to you
Am7 Am7 F F Am Am
Call out your name love, don't be surprised

Dm Dm Am Am F F E E
It's so many miles and so long since I've left you
Dm Dm Am Am
Don't even know what I'll find when I get to you
But suddenly now, I know where I belong
C C G G F F Dm Dm Am Am
It's many hundred miles and it won't be long

Ukulele 1: Am Am
Am-Am6 Am6-Am (x4)

Ukulele 2: Am Am
Am-Am6 Am6-Am (x2)


[Verse 2]

Am Am F F E E
Nothing at all, in my head, to say to you
Am Am F F E E
Only the beat of the train I'm on
Am Am F F E E
Nothing I've learned all my life on the way to you
Am7 Am7 F F E E Am Am
One day our love was over and gone


Dm Dm Am Am F F E E
It's so many miles and so long since I've left you
Dm Dm Am Am
Don't even know what I'll find when I get to you
But suddenly now, I know where I belong
C C G G F F Dm Dm Am Am
It's many hundred miles and it won't be long

Ukulele 1: Am Am
Am-Am6 Am6-Am (x4)

Ukulele 2: Am Am
Am-Am6 Am6-Am (x2)


[Verse 3]

Am Am F F E E
What will I do if there's someone there with you
Am Am F F E E
Maybe someone you've always known
Am Am F F E E
How do I know I can come and give to you
Am7 Am7 F F E E Am Am
Love with no warning and find you alone


Dm Dm Am Am F F E E
It's so many miles and so long since I've left you
Dm Dm Am Am
Don't even know what I'll find when I get to you
But suddenly now, I know where I belong
C C G G F F Dm Dm Am Am
It's many hundred miles and it won't be long

Dm Dm Am Am
It won't be long
Dm Dm Am Am
It won't be long
Dm Dm E E Am Am
It won't be long

Tabulatur von , 21 Jun 2017

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