Feel It All Tabulatur von Feist

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, F, Am, E, Dm, G, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2007
Key: AmAkkorde
C C                   F F           F F     Am Am
I feel it all, I feel it all

C C F F F F Am Am
I feel it all, I feel it all

C C F F F F Am Am
The wings are wide, the wings are wide

C C F F F F Am Am
Wild card inside, wild card inside

E E F F Dm Dm G G
Oh I?ll be the one who'll break my heart I'll be the one to hold the gun

C C F F F F Am Am
I know more than I knew before

C C F F F F Am Am
I know more than I knew before

C C F F F F Am Am
I didn't rest, I didn't stop

C C F F F F Am Am
Did we fight or did we talk

E E F F Dm Dm G G
Oh I?ll be the one who'll break my heart I'll be the one to hold the gun

C C F F F F Am Am
I love you more

C C F F F F Am Am
I love you more

C C F F F F Am Am
I don't know what I knew before

C C F F F F Am Am
But now I know I want to win the war

F F Dm Dm
No one likes to take a test, Sometimes you know more is less

Put your weight against the door, Kick drum on the basement floor

Stranded in a fog of words, Loved him like a winter bird

F F Dm Dm
On my head the water pours, Gulf stream through the open door

Em Em F F G G (stop playing)
Fly away Fly away to what you want to make Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh OH!

C C F F F F Am Am
I feel it all I feel it all

C C F F F F Am Am
I feel it all I feel it all

C C F F F F Am Am
The wings are wide The wings are wide

C C F F F F Am Am
Wild card in sight, wild card in sight

Em Em F F
Oh I?ll be the one who'll break my heart

Dm Dm G G Em Em
I'll be the one who'll break my heart

I'll be the one who'll break my heart

G G Em Em
I'll end it, though you started it

C C F F F F Am Am
The truth lies

C C F F F F Am Am
The truth lied

C C F F F F Am Am
And Lies Divide

C C F F F F Am Am
Lies Divide

Tabulatur von , 11 Nov 2011

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