Transatlantique Tabulatur von Beirut

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Bbm, Bbadd9, Fadd9, F, F7, Dm, F+

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2007
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
# Bbm Bbm aj7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 Fadd9 Fadd9 F F x6

# Bbm Bbm aj7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 Fadd9 Fadd9 F F Bbm Bbm aj7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 Fadd9 Fadd9 F F
No, I couldn't tell you h ow th e h ous e burne d dow n
# Bbm Bbm aj7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 Fadd9 Fadd9 F F Bbm Bbm aj7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 Fadd9 Fadd9 F F
Last nigh t w h ile w e w e re running around
# Bbm Bbm aj7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 Fadd9 Fadd9 F F Bbm Bbm aj7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 Fadd9 Fadd9 F F
Mid - nigh t surrounds you, th e m oonligh t m ak e s you proud
# Bbm Bbm aj7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 Fadd9 Fadd9 F F Bbm Bbm aj7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 Fadd9 Fadd9 F F
Last nigh t, oh , w e w e re running around
# F7 F7 Dm Dm 7 F+ F+ 5 F F(2) x2

# F7 F7 Dm Dm 7 F+ F+ 5 F F(2)
Sing for last call, s ing for last fall, such w as it all
# F7 F7 Dm Dm 7 F+ F+ 5 F F(2)
Sing for last call, s ing for last fall, such w as it all
# F7 F7 Dm Dm 7 F+ F+ 5 F F(2)
All along I w as your h om e
# F7 F7 Dm Dm 7 F+ F+ 5 F F(2)
All along I w as your h om e
# F7 F7 Dm Dm 7 F+ F+ 5 F F(2)

# F7 F7 Dm Dm 7 F+ F+ 5 F F(2) x2
# to end

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Tabulatur von , 25 Aug 2010

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doc_akh avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Richmond)
incomplete, does not mention the third set of chords at 1:45
05 Apr 2015
Buttons avatar
Thank you!!!
04 Oct 2012
noah19963 avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Altamonte Springs)
more detail
25 Oct 2010
cajamatt avatar
can you tell us how to do those obscure chords?
13 Oct 2010
grossemichel avatar
flag for FR(ISO2) (Strasbourg)
I don't understand the accord.....
16 Sep 2010

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