Sunday Smile Tabulatur von Beirut

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, F, Bb, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2007
Key: F, DmAkkorde
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm

C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
All I want is the best for our lives my dear,
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
and you know my wishes are sincere.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
Whats to say for the days I cannot bare.

C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday smile you wore it for a while.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday mile we paused and sang.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday smile you wore it for a while.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday mile we paused and sang.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday smile and we felt true. (and)

C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
We burnt to the ground left a view to admire
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
with buildings inside church of white.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
We burnt to the ground left a grave to admire.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm C C
And as we reach for the sky, reach the church of white
F F Bb Bb Dm Dm

C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday smile you wore it for a while.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday mile we paused and sang.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday smile you wore it for a while.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday mile we paused and sang.
C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm
A A Sunday smile and we felt true.

Outro: C C F F Bb Bb Dm Dm

Tabulatur von unbekannt, 27 Aug 2009

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Mehelborn avatar
It should be "A cemetery mile..." instead of "A sunday mile..."
16 Sep 2019
icare avatar
very good!!!!
20 Jun 2011

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